
Infoglobo, a company belonging to Globo Group, was founded in 1925 and is one the major companies of the communication industry in Brazil, present mainly in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasília. Its mission is to satisfy the need for knowledge of the society. It owns the following brands of printed newspapers: O Globo, Extra, Expresso and Valor Econômico.


Management of indicators / Incident management / Processes management


The organization needed to keep its business processes, rules, risks and controls in a transparent, centralized and easy to update way and with their respective performance and strategic indicators in order to achieve an efficient management that would make it more agile and safer in its decision making and having strategy for damage control.


In the first phase all processes were documented and in the next phase strategic and performance indicators were elaborated. During the data gathering process, the areas detailed their macro processes with the identification of risks and critical activities, integrating all people involved and stimulating the search for solutions to improve processes and the creation of more effective controls to the risks identified


With this process mapping and the creation of indicators, all managers started to have a clear visualization of the company’s activities allowing a proactivity more agile to identify risks, demands and opportunities, reducing costs and response times in decision making for a better business management. The models also made possible the implementation of a contingency management with action plan to deal with incidents controlled by the tool.