
PETROBRAS é is the largest Brazilian company and performs in the energy field with great tradition in oil industry, mainly in the areas of exploration, production, refinery, commercialization, and transport of oil, natural gas and their byproducts.


Processes management / Structure modeling / Strategic management / Collaborative management


The Project aimed building a great model for the Natural Gas Unit that was then only two years old and encompassing processes and people coming from other areas in a way that it would be possible to demonstrate and understand its functions and activities. Along to the process mapping with their attributions, the follow-up of the strategic plan and performance needed a metrics system to supply their performance indicators aiming to accomplish tasks and reach goals


In the first phase all processes were identified, but since they were not sufficiently mature, in the next phase with employed Way/Amadeus’s tool to speed up the constant updates to the model and that also allowed documentation to be easily consulted and altered. At the same time the metrics tool was implemented and indicators to strategic and collaborative management.


The Natural Gas Unit started to have visibility of its processes in a comprehensive way and knowing exactly their tasks, processes and goals, having a dynamic model broadly visible to all people involved, that could finally have a better understanding of their roles avoiding redundant work, time and resource waste and lack of integration. They started to perform in a collaborative environment of strategic management.