Duas Rodas

Duas Rodas

Duas Rodas


Duas Rodas is a Brazilian multinational company manufacturing ingredients for food and beverage industries with headquarters in the city of Jaraguá do Sul, state of Santa Catarina. They provide services in more than 30 countries and have been performing for more than 90 years providing ingredients to companies in Brazil and all over the world with a portfolio of more than 3 thousand items divided in the markets of flavors, food service and animal nutrition.


Duas Rodas was searching for a process and indicator management tool that would comprise all the information that a company of their size has and would allow information to be unified in a platform with easy visualization and communication, so that all people involved could access, feed and easily identify risks and opportunities to alert managers, providing an agile and precise decision making.


Based on the requirements demanded by Duas Rodas, we performed a study and analysis of the license needed to have all areas covered.


With the implementation of the solution provided by Way/Amadeus, Duas Rodas started to benefit from a well-structured platform for decision making, visualizing risks and opportunities easily by the people in charge.