
Founded in 1946, Companhia Minuano de Alimentos was established as a small factory of paper packaging and typography. In 1955, it changed industry and started in the aviculture field. In the 70s it became one of the largest companies producing meats and poultry in Brazil. Currently, Minuano is a vertical operation in avicultural integration raging from a matrix farm to production and slaughter of birds, guaranteeing quality to each part of the process.


Auditing of systems and processes / Costs management / Structure modeling


The company required Way/Amadeus’s methodology to perform a work of assessment and system and process audit focused on the review of all their operations


We performed a work to understand in detail the purpose of the activities of each one of the areas and their tasks, therefore it was possible to execute a mapping locating points to be improved for cost and time reduction.


With the understanding of the processes and their interrelations it was possible to locate the points with bottlenecks, inefficiencies and rework, as well as all the operational segment that was assessed for the optimization of the process of decomposition of the primarily raw material to manufacture the many final products that will be commercialized by Minu.